Thursday, November 5, 2009

Save the kitties!

Tonight I'm going to an introduction meeting for "Kattstödet i Lund", an organization that rescues and adopts away homeless cats. I figured that since I don't have a lot to do nowadays and haven't found a job yet, I might as well do something useful with my time. So I'm going to help out at the cat house! Maybe whenever I have an apartment and a job, I'll even find my future kitty-baby there! :D

1 comment:

William said...

Awwww, this reminds me of that one picture that Franz attempted (but phailed) to show me from Encyclopedia Drematica's "Offensive" article of an AZN girl who stabbed a cute little kitten right in the eye ball with her high heels and then put the poor bugger in a blender and fired it up...

I shielded my eyes, for he told me what it was about and I did not wish to loose my soul, but Franz examined it for at least 30 seconds.