Monday, September 21, 2009

Late Birthday Post!

Late... I'm good at that, I know. But I did have an excuse!
I was in the process of writing my birthday-post at my boyfriends house when his computer tooootttalllly crapped out. So, I figured, maybe it would be better to write it later after I get all my presents anyways.
But, then when I got to my grandparents house, one of my presents from my parents was MISSING! So, I waited for it :) And while waiting I got another present, so it was for the best.
But today I got my present, and here is my birthday-post!

My morning started with..
...breakfast in bed!
And singing by my loverly boyfriend Isaac and his supercool Mommy :)
Theeen came the presents!!

Super cute boots from Isaac and a giftcard to the movies from his parents!

After that I hungout at Isaac's house, moved all his furniture around and chatted a little. Nothing super exciting, but he was in school so I was home alone.

At 4:30pm I met up with my amazing cousin Alexander at the bus station to go to Malmö and celebrate with the grandparents. I had already had my birthday celebration with him and my uncle but I guess he wanted more cake... here are some pictures from my birthday-dinner with them:

My uncle Johny

Me and all the amazing Tapas

My super stylish cousin Alex and his delicious dessert

From Alex and Johny I got 500kr to spend on winterwear, a much needed component in my closet.... considering where I'm living now.

Back to the original story.. almost immediately after our arrival at the grandparents house, Alex and I were sent out to buy pizza and soda (The grandparents just came home from vacation an hour earlier so we decided against cooking.).
Pizza with the grandparents!

Alex always out-dresses me... darn him!

Aaaalllll my presents!

Holding my America-Presents

Delicious Ice Cream Cake :)

I'll just tell you about the presents, because I don't want to post every single picture.
From the Grandparents I got..
  • A buscard with 200kr so I can come visit.
  • 500kr towards winterwear.
  • A picture-holder to put a picture of them in.
  • A pair of black leggings
From my Mommy and Daddy..
  • 3 pairs of Gilly Hicks undies to match my Gilly Hicks Bra's
  • 2 pairs of opaque black tights
  • 500kr
  • $100
  • Some of the stuff I left in the U.S. that I missed.
From my loverly brother..
  • 50kr to buy a new beta-fish with, since I miss my benedict so much!
  • My diary which I also missed terribly. (Yes I am just as bad at updating it as this blog!)
  • A super cute card (Which was from him and my brother-from-another-mother Franz)
I also got a giftcard to Gina Tricot from Camilla the other day, which will also contribute to my new winterwear collection!

All-in-all, a very good birthday!

Thank you everyone sososooo much for everything!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Om TRE timmar är det FÖDELSEDAAAAAG :)
Jag har redan fått födelsedags-pizza, och födelsedags-Halloj av Isaac; MUMS!
Har även köpt lite Dr. Pepper åt mig själv... smakar 10x bättre när det är svårt att få tag på!
Inte mycket nytt sen igår, men jag skriver i morgon och laddar up bilder av presenter etc!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So much for making plans...

Well... my plans for today got ALL messed up. I had to have Isaac come to my house and help me with all my stuff because I had to bring my rollie-bag, my bike, my schoolbag, and my purse.. So Isaac walked with me to pick up my books and then took the rollie-bag home while I biked to class. The plan WAS to go to the bank and to vote for the church thing, but I'm going to have to do that tomorrow cause I just didn't have time. I am def gonna make time for that bank visit though cause if I don't I won't get my free money... other than that nothing new. Isaac gave me supah delicious food when I came home from class today, and I've figured out that my German class starts at 11 tomorrow morning :):)

Plans for today... and a few days ahead :)

Well, I usually end up planning a few days at a time, because I mostly live at my boyfriends house, and have to pack for about 3days when I'm home. Tonight I have class (Modets Idehistoria) from 5pm-8pm, but I have som errands to run before that so Isaac is coming over to help me get all my stuff home to his house.

First on the list is voting for the... church council? Or something like that... I got a ballot and both my Grandmother and my "house-mom" think I should vote so I figured what the hell. After that I'm heading over to the gas station(!?!?!?) to pick up my school books (FINALLY!). Theeen I have to go to the bank and register my bank account with CSN so I can get money from the government for studying. After that it's either shop around town a little or go straigt to class... not sure what time I'll get done with all the other stuff. I have to remember to pack my water bottle and some snacks though cause I always get insanely hungry/thirsty in that class..... I guess I'm just used to my mom packing snacks for school :(

Tomorrow I have German class sometime around the middle of the day I think, and other than that I don't have anything major planned... hang out with Isaac I guess, I'm sleeping over there tonight :) But THURSDAY! Thursday is my biirthdaayyyy, so I'm gonna wake up early and have a mini celebration with Isaac, and then chill at his house while he's at school, and then around 4pm I'm meeting my frickin cool cousin Alex at the busstation to head down to Malmo to spend the evening with the grandparent. And we're having my favorite food for dinner, that's right, PIZZA. Yum :):) We WOULD have something "proper" like Fishcasserole but my grandparents are coming home from a mini-vacation around 4:30 so there's not really any time to cook.

That's my plans for the week so far! :D I'm also considering investing in a waffle iron cause neither Isaac's family or Madde (my housing-mom) has one... and I love waffles... but I'll have to asses my economy first. I think it should be fine considering I get CSN money like... by the end of this week I think...

Okay okay, enough for now. I'll tryy to remember to write more later :)

Blog igen?

Me at Kattesund i Lund

Long time no see? Only about 9 months! I could have gotten preggers and had a baby in that time. Well, I said from the beginning I was bad at stuff like this, but this morning I had a sudden urge to post.

I started writing this blog in Swedish to practice before moving over here, but now I'm here and practice everyday, so I figured English would be better since almot everyone understands it.

I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up this time, but I'm hoping I'll stick with it, and get better with the pictures and all ;) I guess we'll see...