Monday, September 21, 2009

Late Birthday Post!

Late... I'm good at that, I know. But I did have an excuse!
I was in the process of writing my birthday-post at my boyfriends house when his computer tooootttalllly crapped out. So, I figured, maybe it would be better to write it later after I get all my presents anyways.
But, then when I got to my grandparents house, one of my presents from my parents was MISSING! So, I waited for it :) And while waiting I got another present, so it was for the best.
But today I got my present, and here is my birthday-post!

My morning started with..
...breakfast in bed!
And singing by my loverly boyfriend Isaac and his supercool Mommy :)
Theeen came the presents!!

Super cute boots from Isaac and a giftcard to the movies from his parents!

After that I hungout at Isaac's house, moved all his furniture around and chatted a little. Nothing super exciting, but he was in school so I was home alone.

At 4:30pm I met up with my amazing cousin Alexander at the bus station to go to Malmö and celebrate with the grandparents. I had already had my birthday celebration with him and my uncle but I guess he wanted more cake... here are some pictures from my birthday-dinner with them:

My uncle Johny

Me and all the amazing Tapas

My super stylish cousin Alex and his delicious dessert

From Alex and Johny I got 500kr to spend on winterwear, a much needed component in my closet.... considering where I'm living now.

Back to the original story.. almost immediately after our arrival at the grandparents house, Alex and I were sent out to buy pizza and soda (The grandparents just came home from vacation an hour earlier so we decided against cooking.).
Pizza with the grandparents!

Alex always out-dresses me... darn him!

Aaaalllll my presents!

Holding my America-Presents

Delicious Ice Cream Cake :)

I'll just tell you about the presents, because I don't want to post every single picture.
From the Grandparents I got..
  • A buscard with 200kr so I can come visit.
  • 500kr towards winterwear.
  • A picture-holder to put a picture of them in.
  • A pair of black leggings
From my Mommy and Daddy..
  • 3 pairs of Gilly Hicks undies to match my Gilly Hicks Bra's
  • 2 pairs of opaque black tights
  • 500kr
  • $100
  • Some of the stuff I left in the U.S. that I missed.
From my loverly brother..
  • 50kr to buy a new beta-fish with, since I miss my benedict so much!
  • My diary which I also missed terribly. (Yes I am just as bad at updating it as this blog!)
  • A super cute card (Which was from him and my brother-from-another-mother Franz)
I also got a giftcard to Gina Tricot from Camilla the other day, which will also contribute to my new winterwear collection!

All-in-all, a very good birthday!

Thank you everyone sososooo much for everything!


1 comment:

Anna of Dallas said...

Coola boots. Som passar till dina kläder.
Dom andra grejerna vi skickade var ju inte presenter, dom bara kom i samma paket.
Det lät lite konstigt det där om Franz (brother-from-another-mother). Jag tror att det borde vara brother-from-another-mother-and-father.