Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's raining cats and dogs!

Well not raining, but the courtyard sure seemed covered in them when I took both my cats and my dog out for a walk yesterday :) Here are some pictures:

Isaac with all the pets. Yes that little little thing in his lap would be the Chihuahua.

My cats hiding from that stupid hyper Chihuahua ;)

But speaking of raining, there's been some WEIRD weather here lately... like Texas weather! One second raining/hailing/snowing the next beautiful warm sunshine. And in between that there's been these THICK, DARK clouds that literally make it seem like night. It's insane. I blame it all on that volcano ash.


Anna of Dallas said...

Cool post. Yes, you have become a big family now, even though it is just temporarily. I like the picture with the two cats. I hope the stripy one will loose even more weight. She doesn't look quite as fat on the picture with Isaac as she did in the bath tub, so I guess she has been doing well. Or - you have been doing well with her.
I was thinking that the snow you saw the other day might just have been ashes from Iceland ;)

Charlene said...

No it was definitely snow, and it's been hailing/snowing a little every day since. It hailed today. But now it's warm out. Crazy weather....

Yes Righina will be so super gorgeous if she loses all the weight. Except she'll probably have a hangy tummy like Nerina cause of the extra skin :( But we'll see!